When testing things in the homelab, I frequently work with older hardware.
This means that when you use ESXi, you might get the following warning:
This host is potentially vulnerable to issues described in CVE-2018-3646, please refer to https://kb.vmware.com/s/articles/55636 for details and VMware recommendations.
I typically chose to ignore the warning, as this is a lab anyway. And this is fine on a stand alone host, but it is pretty annoying when using vCenter.
So if you are in the same situation, here is how to disable the warning:
Open your host configuration, go to System, Advanced System Settings, click “Edit…”
The key you are looking for is:
Set this to a value of 1, press “OK” and refresh the host. The warning should now disappear.
Please do keep in mind that the vulnerability is still present, you did not eliminate the risk, you only disabled the warning.